
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Wayward Pain
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Pain. it makes us fearful. It makes us hide. Whether you're healing from broken bones or broken hearts, the only way through it all is through. So hold your favorite wayward hand and grit your teeth baby. This might hurt a little...
Version: 20241125
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I had a horse that got stung by a bee in the flank. She took off at full speed. My foot came out of the stirrup so I couldn't pull her into a tight circle to get her to slow. I saw my opportunity to bail into a pile of hay. Unfortunately, it was hay covering a pile of hard black dirt. Fotunately, I was prepared for the jolt. Kim, I feel for you.
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
love this podcast
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
I block. I strait up say I'm fine . And there is really only 3 people in my life that I allow myself to be truthful with. (And my dog) .. Brianna I get it I can't handle weak people very well . I try to be empathetic.. and I try really hard.. but I get to the point where I'm like ok .. life isn't perfect please take a step or two for yourself and I'll help you ..but I can't if they won't.. Kim.. I appreciate the fact that you have said that sometimes you want to put things into your body to deal .. I still am a functional human, I still go to college and have always had a one foot in front of the other type of life..but I'd love to hear about how you do it..I'd be happy to share my way too.. I just think that the more we all share our ways of coping the better.... I don't know how to say this without sounding cheesey but had it not been for a broken ankle I would have never moved past my old ways .
Friday Mar 01, 2019
great show
Friday Feb 22, 2019
I also just down and isolate when I have pain. I also turn on snark when I'm forced to interact. Chronic pain for much of my life. My husband can often recognize that I'm dealing with pain before I'm fully conscious of it myself, he says I get a certain look on my face.
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
Love you both 💕
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
I have a high pain tolerance. I find it very hard to "rate" my pain when doctors ask. It's so subjective! So when I am in bad but livable pain, I just go on. In truth I want people to care and offer help, but I don't let them know it, and I often brush off attention because I don't want to be a "bother." It's a weird paradox. Then I feel like no one really cares or wants to hear about my problems, and I self-isolate even more.
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
I've been stabbed which damaged my lungs diaphragm, and I lost part of my liver but I already gave notice to move. The landlord refused to extend the deadline so after 3 weeks in the hospital I packed and moved my family in 1 week without pain killers. I've had 8 major surgeries and a brush with cancer. I'm covered in scars from animal rescue and abusers in my past. Not much even registers as pain anyone. My nose was ripped in half and I was mad because blood got on the carpet. My kids call me frankenmomster or frankenphoenix. I keep dying and coming back when the doctors stitch me back together. I don't know how to ask for help and I don't have anyone to ask anyway. For some reason I just keep coming back and dealing with stuff on my own. Not sure if I'm blessed or cursed or both. All I know is that I save as many animals as I can while raising my kids the best I can, alone. Do you think I'm cursed or blessed? I won 3 scholarships but right after my dad died. When I was born my hips and shoulders had to be dislocated so my legs were twisted for a long time. Kids hated me and beat on me. My parents abused me. Sexually abused for years. Married an abuser. But I survived, I always survive. I wonder if that is good or bad.
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
I really enjoyed this. a lot of this I agreed with.
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
You are such an inspiration. I am actually the same. So when I meet you again and just say your Name please don't ask just grab me and squish me!! PLEASE
Monday Jan 21, 2019
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