
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Wayward Self Talk
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Monday Jun 10, 2019
How does one talk to ones self in a healthy way?
How does one take that powerful inner voice and gently encourage it to use the ol' "If you dont have anything nice to say SHUT THE FUCK UP" saying.
In this episode, Kim and Briana once again prove they don't have all the answers, but they do have a lot of suggestions :)

Monday Jun 03, 2019
Wayward Quitting
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Monday Jun 03, 2019
How do you know when it's time? Time to cut the chord. Let 'em loose. Shit or get off the pot.
In this episode Kim and Bri discuss their different tactics to decipher when exactly it's time for them to let it go.

Monday May 27, 2019
Wayward Travel
Monday May 27, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
Hand Sanitizer. Butt wipes. Drugs.
Just a few of the incredible pieces of advice that Kim and Bri bestow for all their fellow travellers. FIND OUT MORE IN THIS EP.

Monday May 20, 2019
Wayward Nothin
Monday May 20, 2019
Monday May 20, 2019
Guys. We needed a break. So this is a whole lotta nothin mixed with WAYYY too much information.

Monday May 13, 2019
Wayward Attachment
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
At what point do our plans for the future become beliefs about who we are and/or must become? In this episode Kim and Bri discuss their experiences with attachment, obsession, and reprogramming ourselves surrender to the unknown. FUN GUYS RIGHT?

Monday May 06, 2019
Wayward Calling
Monday May 06, 2019
Monday May 06, 2019
How do you decide what you are supposed to do with this big ol' grand life of ours? And is what you're supposed to do the same as what you're supposed to BE...? Kim and Bri discuss what they wanted to be when they were little, and what they feel is their purpose now.

Monday Apr 29, 2019
Wayward Taboos
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Briana and Kim love to talk about things like poop and sex, and they use strong (possible offensive) language at every opportunity. But at what point is a taboo wrong or offensive, and at what point is it just other peoples discomfort in your beliefs. Is there a right or wrong answer to deciding what in our socity is TABOO...?

Monday Apr 22, 2019
Wayward Burnout
Monday Apr 22, 2019
Monday Apr 22, 2019
Have you ever wondered why you can't seem to say no to invitations or offers, while also experiencing an unfathomable fatigue that wont go away no matter how many zzz's you catch...? You may be experiencing BURNOUT BABY. Listen to Kim and Briana discuss their individual experiences with this over-glamorized habit. STOP. If only for the length of this episode, sit back, kick your feet up with a cup of tea, and have a listen.

Monday Apr 15, 2019
Wayward Roadtrip Part 2
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Guys, this is the post-convention roadtrip record and IT'S BRILLIANTLY BANANAS. I blame the lack of water and proper nutrients in our systems. Listen as we stop for ice cream, fast food (in that order), and possibly catch a couple in another car... ahem... indisposed... :)
THIS is the wayward podcast.

Monday Apr 08, 2019
Wayward Roadtrip
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Kim and Briana are hittin' the road and they're bringing you with 'em! Join them while they discuss such worldly topics as road-rage, pit stops, and what assholes they were as children. Enjoy. And sorry. And you're welcome.